
SKU: 36039
1 x Chimera Ø 122mm
4 x Pole

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En savoir plus  

The Chimera Pancake Lantern Softbox is used by still photographers, filmmakers and videographers, for illuminating entire rooms with soft, even light. Choose a Chimera Lantern Softbox according to the size of the room, and your working light fixture.

This is a Large 48" square, 19" deep Pancake Lantern, which takes up less space than a traditional Lantern Softbox. This Pancake Lantern includes a skirt, which limits the spread of the light output, and adds a dramtic effect between light and shadow.

Required Speed (mounting) Rings are available separately for your light fixture.

Use this size for casting omni-directional lighting for a large conference room, or small stage where setup space is limited.

Required Speed (mounting) Rings are available separately for many manufacturers' hot lights and strobes.

Single and double Bobinette scrims are available, to diminish the light output.

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